September 22, 2008
An Internet Mobster named DHW
The mention of the word Ibiza makes us think of super clubs, 24 hour parties, superstar DJ's, and the intake of every substance that are deemed to be bad or illegal. But for some players, the word Ibiza signifies the place where one of the biggest supporter of the game controls his online empire from.
From the party island of Ibiza, we give you The Internet Mobster named DHW.
TIM says:
You've been here since round one. What made you play this long?
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:20 PM:
i have been since round bro
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:20 PM:
but with the other account remember
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:20 PM:
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:20 PM:
dunno if should i say that
TIM says:
kinda forgot about that.
TIM says:
Mind refreshing my memory?
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:21 PM:
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:21 PM:
the paypal prob bro
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:21 PM:
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:21 PM:
i think jimmy knows but still better not to risk
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:21 PM:
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:22 PM:
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:22 PM:
paypal fucked up
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:22 PM:
i moved to ibiza
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:22 PM:
change bank
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:22 PM:
bank didnt pay
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:22 PM:
and i made new account
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:23 PM:
the weird thing is i still use same paypal
TIM says:
You had to let the whole world know that your playing from ibiza huh?
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:23 PM:
but anyway i can say yep i've been since round one
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:24 PM:
are u gonna put all what we have been talking on in bro
TIM says:
TIM says:
What made you decide to gamble your hard earned money on this game?
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:24 PM:
hard earned money?
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:24 PM:
lol im hotel recepcionist manager
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:25 PM:
i do nothing apart from playing at work
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:25 PM:
TIM says:
Ok. its not that "hard earned" i guess. Lucky bastard!
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:25 PM:
well sometimes i do some work
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:25 PM:
TIM says:
But what made you drop big on ML
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:25 PM:
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:25 PM:
he got me angry as hell
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:26 PM:
being that rude
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:26 PM:
and always attacking naps or allies when they were growing
TIM says:
I know the story to that, but most people don't. Can you tell them what happened?
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:26 PM:
well back to round 1
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:27 PM:
me and my friend downtownmike started a union called ACE, well he started and then i split to the second fam lol
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:27 PM:
then voo had his miami_outfit fam, all full of the first supporters of the game
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:27 PM:
we were allies
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:27 PM:
but some guy called the_godfather joined us and drop quite big too
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:28 PM:
and we started to grow big, getting to the point to be leading the round
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:28 PM:
then voo decided to send his guys to kill all of us normal players
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:28 PM:
that was voo's first round winning fucking everyone up
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:29 PM:
then me and mike decided to join miami with different names to get creds enough until we could hit back
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:29 PM:
so thats where i changed my name to dhw
TIM says:
So what do you say your relationship with VOO is?
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:29 PM:
well we love each other for sure
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:30 PM:
more since when we split to notorius and left miami and he came back to kill us
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:30 PM:
but i went to his fam to spy for the whole round
TIM says:
And ML has been interesting since that thing he did. Thank you VOO! LOL
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:31 PM:
i even had to kill most of my friends that round to prove i wasnt a spy, and u know how to pay me back kill all his enemies for himself
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:31 PM:
he ranked guardian over me
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:31 PM:
lol true
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:31 PM:
then u know all the story hehehe
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:31 PM:
he started to get many people against him
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:32 PM:
and people that really enjoyed the game
TIM says:
You didn't kill me. Does that mean were not friends?
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:32 PM:
damn u werent in notorius or hitsquad
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:32 PM:
u were the biggest looter in the game hehe
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:32 PM:
licking ass
luissent 9/20/2008 11:32 PM:
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:33 PM:
well u and apoc i must say are the best looters i know
TIM says:
Licking that much ass ruined my taste buds.
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:33 PM:
TIM says:
So what made you play online mafia games?
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:33 PM:
oh well
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:34 PM:
being bored as hell at work
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:34 PM:
i started looking for internet games with lots of people
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:34 PM:
and then i found TMB
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:34 PM:
so i guess same as everyone
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:34 PM:
TIM says:
Another TMB victim i see.
TIM says:
What was your name there?
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:34 PM:
well i was
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:35 PM:
until i found ML
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:35 PM:
i was darkhollow_imk
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:35 PM:
i was in moctezuma_imk fam
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:36 PM:
stayed there for a few good 10 rounds
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:36 PM:
and then start swipping over trying to meet a funnier place to be
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:36 PM:
it was dead there
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:37 PM:
but havent played in a long while now
TIM says:
Is it safe to say then that you enjoy ML more than TMB? If so, why?
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:38 PM:
of course i do enjoy more ML, is just different
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:37 PM:
and the latest i've been was in illuminati_bonanno with my good friend james (CHOSENONE)
TIM says:
May he rest in peace.
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:38 PM:
nope bro he aint dead
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:38 PM:
it was some horrible joke from a fucking hacker trying to get moeny to his paypal account
TIM says:
For real?!
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:39 PM:
damn do i talk too much?
TIM says:
No you don't. You just type fast.
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:39 PM:
yep bro
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:39 PM:
he was in holidays
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:39 PM:
and he came back and found out all that shit
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:39 PM:
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:40 PM:
where i was then?
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:40 PM:
should i keep talking about voo and his lapdog shawn
TIM says:
TIM says:
I was about to move on to another topic. But since you like talking about it, be my guest.
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:41 PM:
well u know how big of a rankwhore can Shawn be
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:41 PM:
but he can explain to u when u interview him
TIM says:
If voo and shawn were in front of you right now, what would you say to them?
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:42 PM:
well i would kiss voo for all the money he has been giving to A, MADNESS AND ME
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:42 PM:
and to shawn i would just not bother talking to him
TIM says:
Why not? ( and the punchline is? )
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:42 PM:
he wouldnt be able to answer me anyway
TIM says:
you're mean! LMAO
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:42 PM:
cuz he cannot spell
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:43 PM:
well im being honest
TIM says:
Very honest. LOL
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:43 PM:
thats what i think of them
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:43 PM:
do u want me to lie
TIM says:
Hey! I aint complaining.
TIM says:
This is starting to be a very interesting read.
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:43 PM:
lol i know
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:43 PM:
i remember ur nice hatemails in the first capped round
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:43 PM:
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:44 PM:
i almost died laughing that round
TIM says:
What hate mails? I don't send hate mails.
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:44 PM:
TIM says:
That wasnt me. Maybe it was Tubol. LOL
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:45 PM:
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:45 PM:
yep sure
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:45 PM:
it was u, and afro, and loco, and chucky
TIM says:
My verbal sparring skills are no match with them guys you mentioned. I just copy pasted what they told me. LOL
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:46 PM:
sure u did
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:46 PM:
dont tell me u forgot hehe
TIM says:
Anyway, is VOO a good player, or do you think he just hides behind them credits?
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:46 PM:
well i must say he is brilliant player
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:47 PM:
and quite clever
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:47 PM:
rude as fuck
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:47 PM:
but clever
TIM says:
TIM says:
I should interview someone from their side next time so as them not saying im biased. LMAO
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:48 PM:
but he just took the wrong position in the game trying to own the world
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:48 PM:
and he found a nice team against him when A, Madness and Me decided to play together as a team to finish him
TIM says:
Of all the battles you had with him, what was the one you remembered the most?
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:49 PM:
damn the one i was in Maharlika
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:49 PM:
i think the round A became a supporter
TIM says:
Dammit i forgot what happened. What went down again?
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:50 PM:
that round you, afro, a, freak and me were maxing each other for days without sleep avoiding voo's attacks
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:50 PM:
well and that was actually the round my account and msn got hacked
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:50 PM:
TIM says:
Oh! Now i remember. Sleepless in RIO.
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:51 PM:
why i moved to maharlika?
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:52 PM:
it was my way to thank ur family for banking with me since day one even when i was low
TIM says:
TIM says:
Dont tell anyone that. LOL
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:52 PM:
oh lol
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:52 PM:
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:53 PM:
oh true
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:53 PM:
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:53 PM:
does anyone doesnt like me?
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:53 PM:
damn i thought i was a nice guy
TIM says:
We never told anyone who we were banking with during the early days of ML.
TIM says:
Although they did have an idea.
TIM says:
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:53 PM:
oh lol
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:54 PM:
well anyway that's in the past
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:54 PM:
cuz ur guys dont loot anymore
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:54 PM:
u suck now
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:54 PM:
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:54 PM:
just joking bro.
TIM says:
Believe me, we do. You guys just dont know whos looting who. LOL
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:55 PM:
have i told u yet that i live in ibza
TIM says:
Show off! LOL
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:55 PM:
TIM says:
On the topic of banking, how would you classify a rankwhore?
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:56 PM:
TIM says:
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:56 PM:
thats the worst type
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:56 PM:
no more to say......
TIM says:
Dont stop there. Go on!
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:57 PM:
oh bro im forgetting to say i love yoh-boo!
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:57 PM:
lol well there are lots of people end of rounds that keep asking to being ranked when they have done anything
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:57 PM:
and they get angry if u dont rank them lol
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:58 PM:
its hard enough to get to rank the best workers each round
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:58 PM:
to start sending money away to people that just come online that round
TIM says:
Would you say that most ML players are just loyal to their respective families because of rank spots?
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:59 PM:
some are
luis sent 9/20/2008 11:59 PM:
but well u know that
TIM says:
That i do. LMAO
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:00 AM:
but some enjoy the fam they are in cuz the fam boards and the friends they get to meet in there
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:00 AM:
see most of madhouse guys are all friends between themselves
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:01 AM:
and they keep talking to each other all the time
TIM says:
With that said, who are the people you call friends on ML and why?
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:01 AM:
well i got a lot of people that i call friends here
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:04 AM:
A and MAD, we work together every round, you are my mate since round one, tubol, sutil and murk in ur union, joker, freak, dj, yoh-boo (who i am getting engaged)and of course my two little bro's chucky and loco, well taht appart from all the people in madhouse that i consider them all friends and it would be a long list to name them all, but well i would say EZ,, krazy, grizz,crimes, racer
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:04 AM:
and logic are the ones i know the most
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:04 AM:
and well i also have friend in tarallo
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:05 AM:
but i wont say their name hehehe
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:05 AM:
lol and i hope i dont forget many peeps im sure there are a lot more of friends in the game
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:05 AM:
but damn i can remember them all at the minute
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:05 AM:
sorry guys if i forget u
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:06 AM:
oh yep guardian is cool, even though we had a couple of fights
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:06 AM:
u still there?
TIM says:
Im here. Im just letting you finish first. Youre going to give me a lot to edit. LOL
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:07 AM:
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:07 AM:
so what else bro?
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:07 AM:
i must start going
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:08 AM:
i got a nice girl wearing a bikini waiting for me to jump on her.... car, lol
TIM says:
Another one huh?
TIM says:
And to think you just told YB that you love her.
TIM says:
I am not editing that out you know. LOL
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:09 AM:
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:09 AM:
well me and yoh are getting gamely married
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:10 AM:
u know im engaged for next november
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:10 AM:
even im being a bad guy this summer
TIM says:
to whom?
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:10 AM:
TIM says:
TIM says:
I just hope she stays with you on the island for good.
TIM says:
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:11 AM:
lol lets go bro
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:11 AM:
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:11 AM:
TIM says:
Lets go where? Im guessing when people get to read this, they would think were stoned and drunk from all the topic jumping.
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:12 AM:
i am
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:12 AM:
dunno about you?
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:12 AM:
TIM says:
Just tipsy.
TIM says:
Its a saturday night here.
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:12 AM:
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:13 AM:
sure sure with all that green in the Philippines.
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:13 AM:
TIM says:
If the green youre talking about is the one thats good for asthma, we have mountains of them here somewhere. LOL
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:14 AM:
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:14 AM:
oh u havent asked me my age
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:14 AM:
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:14 AM:
see i knew that
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:14 AM:
well here is saturday night every day
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:15 AM:
at least until october the 7th
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:15 AM:
when all the closing parties are finished
TIM says:
Are you doing this on purpose to give me tons of things to edit?
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:15 AM:
sorry mate
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:15 AM:
anyway i must already go
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:15 AM:
anything else important u want to ask me bro?
TIM says:
We haven't touched "important" for the last 10 mins.
TIM says:
lets stick to this format.
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:16 AM:
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:16 AM:
well i guess then i must say bye.
luis sent 9/21/2008 12:16 AM:
luv u guys
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hehe..ibiza ...rank me rank me luis .lol
Ok enough talking. Can you rank me 1st in lvl 2?
wahahaha! and me in level 1 ?
All the rankwhoring comments were actually posted by the same person. Me!
Ya im back and ready to moaning about ranking. Can you bank me?
haha you wrong dhw i am a bigger rankwhore than shawn
hahaha... my spanish teacher
congrats with the wedding things with YB
U know WHO... lol
Muahahahaha!! i love Yoh-Boo too.. muahahahaha!!
Maaaaaan it seems im the last one standing and YES! Its ole lil crazy ass Toothy xd yea im reading all ya old ass interviews
Btw good job
Wow looking at these names is bringing me waaaay back to Memory Lane!!
Y'all should've Interviewed me i was in the middle of it all i got stories 4 years..
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