November 13, 2008


Paxman: Name/Age/Location/Sex?

Sionx: Natalisha/kilkenny/Ireland/hometown 22 and more than a half/female
Sionx: =)

Paxman: hehe profession?

Sionx: archaeology student 2nd year of study

Paxman: thats interesting, what area of archaeology do you study?

Sionx: medieval/ironage/roman/anglosaxon
Sionx: go to do biology in jan =)

Paxman: im sure its fascinating. Marital status?

Sionx: well i can kick when i want to
Sionx: and its a mean kick =)

Paxman: lol

Sionx: killer kick i call it

Paxman: does that mean married?

Sionx: hehe nope never grrrrrrrr dont like men that much
Sionx: but you seem ok
Sionx: =)

Paxman: haha good i dont want to get kicked

Sionx: hehe nope your cool

Paxman: So how did you first discover the online mafia world?

Sionx: well my friend got me playing i used to watch him for hours so he joined me up

Paxman: what did you think of it at first?

Sionx: hmmm i didnt really no because it seem to be all guys playing, but then i got used to things and watched the bi players play so i did learn from them
Sionx: dam shawn alert
Sionx: big i ment
Sionx: =)

Paxman: lol what does shawn alert mean?

Sionx: lol
Sionx: well i got shawn syndrome from time in tarallo and mess up my words LMAO
Sionx: its something between me and him
Sionx: and my friends lol

Paxman: haha ok well we will get to shawn later ;)
Paxman: so what games do you play and what name do you go by normally?

Sionx: none just ML and always use Sionx or maybe my nick Nuller

Paxman: interesting name, what does it mean?

Sionx: its like shy onx
Sionx: some people think im a guy lol
Sionx: but my friends no me so thats all that matters
Sionx: ohhh and i kick ass at poker =)

Paxman: yes, so tell us your ML story. When did you first join the game? What round?

Sionx: hummmm dam i think it was june i came in to tarallo and Bono
Sionx: do you play ML

Paxman: I dont anymore
Paxman: did you know anyone from tarallo from before you joined?

Sionx: nope i just seen Bono and i asked m to sing a song for me
Sionx: dam
Sionx: asked him i mean
Sionx: shawn alert

Paxman: haha shawn again!

Sionx: yup he bugs me
Sionx: big time

Paxman: and how was it playing with tarallo in those early days?

Sionx: it was quiet no one talked much on family board
Sionx: and we were always at war with baby

Paxman: did you enjoy the war or were you more of a collector?

Sionx: hummm more of a collector but Voo upset me one time and i got a killer gun on profile from killin hehe
Sionx: i was proud of that
Sionx: first medal =)

Paxman: hehe what happened?

Sionx: well i left his family and joined ICHI the wanker and Gu4rd
Sionx: he was mad because some of us left

Paxman: why did you decide to leave?

Sionx: his fight with baby was over and the guys needed help
Sionx: so some of us went
Sionx: me and bigge
Sionx: and a few others

Paxman: did you enjoy life at ML All stars more than with Tarallo?

Sionx: hummmmm
Sionx: not really it was hard because i was left to run the family on my own and no one would talk to me, thats when i started chatting with Yoh-Boo and now she is like my sister
Sionx: and i kill anyone who upsets her
Sionx: hear that guys Grrrrrrrrrr

Paxman: I see, how did you become don of ML All Stars so quickly?

Sionx: things were going on and we were getting out of tarallo union to stand alone, im not afraid to speak my mind so he put me in charge
Sionx: but Bono was always there to help and give me advice

Paxman: and did you enjoy being don or do you prefer following a leader?

Sionx: hummm i dont follow no one
Sionx: but it was ok but i could not give them what they wanted

Paxman: hehe so you are a born leader?

Sionx: yup you culd say that =)
Sionx: hehe

Paxman: ok so tell us about your next switch to Renegades

Sionx: hummm it all started when YB asked me to join the weeding family for just one round so i went but i dont think people were happy with it
Sionx: i was in wankers at the time
Sionx: allstars was finished
Sionx: dam
Sionx: wedding
Sionx: you no whats comeing dont you

Paxman: shawn alert?

Sionx: yup lol
Sionx: hope you dont catch it =)

Paxman: hehe ok so you joined with renegades after the wedding round?

Sionx: hummmmm
Sionx: shawn attacked that family and it was just a fun round for friends
Sionx: i got message from a member in tarallo callin me names so i hit back
Sionx: then shawn the muppet did message me and abused me which was not nice
Sionx: so i hit as many as i could
Sionx: then i went to YB
Sionx: i stayed on 10hr a day maxing that fucker
Sionx: even got zroed myself trying to protect him

Paxman: shawn you mean?

Sionx: yup shawn the muppet
Sionx: how dare he call me and YB sluts
Sionx: i hate him for that
Sionx: and shawn someday i will kill you =)
Sionx: dam sorry i may max YB
Sionx: brb
Sionx: very sorry about that
Sionx: she is away and i max her till she comes back =)

Paxman: np
Paxman: ok thanks for telling your side of the story. In his interview with us Shawn accused you of being a spy from Renegades all along. How do you respond to this?

Sionx: he knows himself i was not a spy, some of his best friends are mine too they know the story

Paxman: so you still have friends over on the other side? who are they?

Sionx: yup sure have and very nice people
Sionx: closest friend of all is Eco but his name is Drewa, then there is Farls very nice guy and good friend, tonyg hehe brill poker player but i dont let him no that

Sionx: lord ken is nice too i hope he stays that way
Sionx: stay off message board Ken =)

Paxman: haha ok, you seem to know the ML community quite well so time for some questions about the different personalities on ML

Paxman: Funniest person on ML?

Sionx: hmmm that would have to be Shawn i get a good laugh from things he comes up with lmao

Paxman: Smartest person?

Sionx: to me A i learn a lot from him it used to be Bono who i still like very much but he dont talk to me no more =(

Paxman: Most annoying person?

Sionx: that would have to be Shawn the muppet

Paxman: Scariest person?

Sionx: hummmm let me think
Sionx: i will say Voo

Paxman: Nicest person?

Sionx: Yoh-boo i love her =)

Paxman: Stupidest person?

Sionx: no doubt in my mind its arse wiper ICHI =)

Paxman: Best to person to talk to?

Sionx: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and Yoh-Boo and MR_Loco

Paxman: Best Attacker and best collector

Sionx: madness is best killer on ML
Sionx: best collector hummmmm
Sionx: Me
Sionx: =)
Sionx: lol

Paxman: Most fanciable Mafioso (you can include staff in this)?

Sionx: JIMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYY but he dont talk much but i still like him =)

Paxman: haha ok thanks. Now tell us who your best friends are on ML and why?

Sionx: well best friend i could ever have is Yoh-Boo we are a good team and im glad i met her and will never leave her side..
Sionx: ToiR he left wankers with me when i fell out with ICHI for saying something bad on family board, he is still with me and a very good friend, thanks ToiR =)
Sionx: MR_Loco we always chat and is fun to talk to =)
Sionx: Michael he is a good friend 2 and from ireland very loyal 2 Yoh-Boo
Sionx: A best friend anyone could have and a very nice person GGGGGOOOOOOO AAAAAAAAAAA
Sionx: DJ, Fenris, Daggerz,Freak,DHW,MAD,Jun,Kat,Krazy we dont talk much but still a friend Unc ee, and Gu4rdi4n all very nice people
Sionx: and i just want to say, shawn the dummy called Freak a rank whore, i think he should take a look at himself first and ask how much he did put into the game before he calls them rankwhores because Freak is far from that!!
Sionx: hey no shawn alert there weeeeeeeeee

Paxman: hehe thats quite a list. ok same question the other way round. Who do you dislike the most and why?

Sionx: Shawn he calls me and Yoh-Boo very bad names he should be ashamed of himself for that
Sionx: ICHI he is a rude fucker and not very smart and crap at spelling
Sionx: some of the guys with Tarallo rude muppets but not all of them

Paxman: this has turned into quite a spicy interview! I like it!

Sionx: well things have to be said from our side and from someone who knows what she is talkin about

Paxman: ok who on ML has disappointed you the most?

Sionx: hmmmm that would have to be Bono, because he turned his back on me and never talked, just one word would have done Bono ( hello )=( but its ok i still think your a good person!!!
Sionx: hurt me dow =(

Paxman: Do you have any regrets over anything that has happened?

Sionx: yes
Sionx: lost a good friend in Bono liked him a lot and the only reason i stayed in Tarallo plus i cant keep my trap shut and says what is on my mind no matter who is involved..
Sionx: i wont let people walk all over me been there done that
Sionx: came ou fighting
Sionx: shawn alert
Sionx: =)
Sionx: i got it bad
Sionx: i give up

Paxman: lol

Sionx: =(
Sionx: thats wht i get for spending time with him
Sionx: dam

Paxman: its contagious it seems

Sionx: lol yes it is we get it a lot in ML hehe
Sionx: i will see a doctor about it

Paxman: Is it hard being female on a game where there is such a large male majority?

Sionx: hmmm it can be but i dont tell them im female only the people i want to no =) but we can handle it and of course we are better than the guys =) Yahoooooooo

Paxman: What advice would you give to any mafiosos hoping to make an impression on you?

Sionx: hummm there is none i have the few friends i want and dont trust too many people so im cool with what i got =)
Sionx: and no there is no one i want to hit on me LMAO
Sionx: maby MR_Loco =)

Paxman: im sure you have just broken the hearts of many mafiosos

Sionx: lol hmmm like i said i dont trust anyone, so if anyone hit on me i kill you get it guys weeeeeeeeeeeee

Paxman: ok since you have played with both sides, how would you compare the two big unions in this game?

Sionx: yes i would, baby is full of very nice people and no matter what side i was on they were always nice to me even if i hit them =) could not be in a better union

Paxman: Funniest memory from ML?

Sionx: when i had it out with ICHI on message board and made him look like a right twat Gooooooo ICHI = wanker and as fenris said on his profile they are more into balls and weiners =)

Paxman: your favorite round and worst round?

Sionx: worst would have to be when a guy kept killing me and Yoh-Boo with multis last round we had to stay on 15/16 hours a day to protect each other but jimmy got him in the end and banned him for life now we are safe, we can handle anything me and Yoh-Boo they will never break us xxxx love you |YB =)
Sionx: hummm best round... all of them are best rounds we dont break and never will so give it your best shot shawn =)
Sionx: dam shawn alert is back =(

Paxman: How many hours a day do you spend on ML normally?

Sionx: hummm lately it has been 15/16 like i said thats me and YB now we do it together if i go to bed she goes to bed when im up she is up and we are always there for each other, you could never break a team like that could you??

Paxman: it must be hard going around the clock like that! Why do you think mafia games are so addictive?

Sionx: i guess when you are in a family and have such good friends you like to be there with them and if 1 is in trouble you have to be there for them, i like spending time with YB on the game we wont let our guard down for one second, i think that pisses the enemy off a bit hehehehe

Paxman: yes friends seems to be a big reason for people to play. Do you know anyone from the game from real life, or is there anyone you would like to meet in real life?

Sionx: i think in time it would have to be YB we are very close and like my sister in this game, i dont think anyone else that would be strange like they are guys the rest of them =)

Paxman: What do you think of admin on ML and are there are changes you would like to see them make to the game?

Sionx: hmmm just one thing, keep the game fair thats all i ask and i no jimmy does his best his head must be recked a lot with messages, but hey he is the owner right!!!! dont no the rest of them jimmy is only guy i talk to sometimes
Sionx: but you always give me bad hands in poker grrrrrrr
Sionx: i blame jimmy..

Paxman: What is your favorite thing about ML?

Sionx: my family, im with a great bunch of people and all loyal members to YB and DJ, some people think he is a snake but he is not, this is a game right and things have to be done to win the game right!!!!!!

Paxman: right! That leads me to my next question, tell us what you think of the various regular fams on ML and their dons..

Sionx: madhouse cool family and mad is a great guy, thugs dont no them all but great guys 2 and loyal to Freak, Ren could not be in a better family i am with them for as long as i play this game and of course as long as YB is here, have no comments on Tarallo but there Dons are friends of mine, well some of them anyway
Sionx: Darkraiders cool family and jun is there, young player but cool and she has er moments, the coffee shop, 1/2 nice people over there and fugazi is a friend, Tarantino no one messes with them quite but i think they could be do harm to a family in a war
Sionx: Maharlika, i dont really no them but there don juan good guy :)

Paxman: Ok now time for the personal questions. Feel free to answer these in as much or as little detail as you like.

Sionx: ok fire away =)

Paxman: When were you happiest?

Sionx: i think that would have to be when i got my best friend livia out of Slovakia and home to live with me, she was not happy there, i cant comment more but that was my happiest, i love you liv xxxxx

Paxman: What is your most treasured possession?

Sionx: that would have to be my cat pebbles dont no what i would do if anything happened to her, kill everyone i think =)
Sionx: ohh and a brooch my mum gave to me that was in my family for years =)

Paxman: What was your most embarrassing moment?

Sionx: hummmmm let me think
Sionx: i think that would be when i broke up with my BF a few years back, i did it in front of everyone and said a lot of things i should not have hehe
Sionx: but IDK

Paxman: Where would you most like to live?

Sionx: hmmm no where just out in the country would do me, peace and quiet thats all i want =) ohh and have a few horses while im there!!!

Paxman: If you could bring something extinct back to life, what would you choose?

Sionx: dam
Sionx: hmmmmm
Sionx: everything i guess and give them a chance all over again!!!

Paxman: What makes you depressed?

Sionx: thinking of my mum and dad dying =) its a killer and suffer bad from things like that

Paxman: Which living person do you admire the most and why?

Sionx: obama that would have to be, he has made a big step for his people and i cried the moment he got into office, i just hope he can do good for this world and everyone in it, he gave people a lot of hope and everyone should be proud of him, some people dont like him and i understand that, but this is a crazy world we live in if we have no hope we have noting and might as well give up.
Sionx: and of course my mum and dad xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Paxman: What is your most unappealing habit?

Sionx: hummmm
Sionx: i think i bite my nails a lot even when i am around people, and i curl my hair a lot but i get relaxed from it so its all good =)

Paxman: What is your favorite smell?

Sionx: roses i could smell them all day, and pasta sause hehe i cook pasta everyday nearly im hocked on it!!!

Paxman: To whom would you most like to say sorry and why?

Sionx: here in the game Bono, i think i hurt him 2 in a way but i didnt mean it, its just he hurt me!! and livia im sorry i could not get you sooner but you are here now thats all that matters xx

Paxman: What is the most important lesson life has taught you?

Sionx: never to give up and dont let people walk all over me, i am a nasty bitch and not afraid to say it, people think they can do and say what they want but not with me no more, things have made me stronger in this life that why i will never let a low life scumbag like shawn to treat me the way he does, my day will come, its just a game but watch your back, there is a curse on you!!!!

Paxman: When did you last cry and why?

Sionx: when obama got into office, we are all the same in this world, dont matter if you are black, white, yellow, green we are all human, his people were treated very bad, for god sake how could you do that to people, so much hate in the world in may all change now or else we might as well just blow it up!!!
Sionx: that was a happy cry by the way =)

Paxman: Who are what is the greatest love of your life?

Sionx: there is no love of my life, but if i was to say anyone it would have to be livia i would die for her and if anyone ever hurt her GRRRRRRRRRR, well i say no more about that!! but you no what i mean xx

Paxman: What was the greatest kiss of your life?

Sionx: hummmm dam
Sionx: no comment people might think diffrent of me hehe

Paxman: Have you ever said 'I love you' and not meant it?

Sionx: yes i have but only because i didnt want to hurt someone!

Paxman: What is your favorite book?

Sionx: willow by virginia Andrews
Sionx: just lately =)

Paxman: Favorite word?

Sionx: fucker, dummy, muppet, twat, i have loads =)

Paxman: Which person do you most hate and why?

Sionx: hummmmmm
Sionx: lloyd george british minister, hitler, shawn

Paxman: If you could edit your past, what would you change?

Sionx: getting the bf i did..
Sionx: no comment on why

Paxman: ok final personal question: if you could go back in time,
where would you go?

Sionx: 1916 when my dads great Unc was shot by the blackn tans!!

Paxman: ok, i think we are about done. Are there any final hellos, thank yous, curses etc you would like to send out to anyone?

Sionx: yes of course =)

Paxman: fire away

Sionx: Shawn its you that is the slut and a bumboy, you made a show of yourself in that interview and everyone laughed at you, at least they will laugh at mine for a good reason!! ICHI go back to wipein arse its all your good for!! baby never give up the fight i no you wont anyhow, YB you are the best dont ever let anyone tell you different, jimmy no more bad cards please im sick of it =)

Paxman: hehe. well thanks very much for letting us interview you Sionx. Im sure it will prove to be a controversial and popular interview!

Sionx: no thank you for given me he chance to put out my side =) i was so nervous but you made it cool and it was nice to meet you =)


Anonymous said...

love you toooooooooooooooooooooo xxxx
thanks for all the nice things you've said there in the interview :) never let other people put you down!! you're as important as anyone else, maybe even more important ;) i'm so happy to have met you and that i was able to give you some support in the hard times on ML. thanks for everything you've done so far for me and we'll always be a team =)and you would be the best leader for sure xxx

love you!!


Anonymous said...

1/2 nice? wtf is that? we are nice people here hahahahahaha


Anonymous said...

Goooooooooooo Sionxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!!!

I'd like to repeat ALL the stuff YB said above and NONE of the stuff Fugazi said (apart from his laugh, Fugazi has a cute laugh)..

Very interesting and entertaining interview Sionx. I love the way you have Shawn after Hitler on your most hated list lol..

PS: Are you SURE you aren't from Scotland??

Anonymous said...

Thanks YB and A you have always been there for me if i needed you, in a game like this its hard to find people you can trust but i say it from my heart when i tell you im gald we met and you 2 will always be my friends xxx

freak said...

Great interview MsSionx :) Thanks alot for all the back up you gave me and the Baby Union When it comes to Shawn. what a HERD he is. Don't really even Know me either like he said about alot of the pls. but he sure liked to act like he does. lmao frist time i even took the time to read shawns interview was after i read your interview and found he was trash talkin me.
Thanks again my great friend and comrade. Freakona_Leash ;)~

P.S. All us guys aren't that bad Hun. plz. try and not judge us all cause of one ass hole you came across in life. Kinda like shawn. Huh!! lol Peace Out :)